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We are re-open! Whewwww what a whirlwind!

Carla Shellis

Wow, what a year it has been so far at Bochy’s Place! It’s been such a full few months, that I’m just now getting the chance to update you on what’s been happening! God has been moving mountains, to say the least. I am so excited to be able to share with you what the Lord has done, but before I get started I want to say thank you and I am so incredibly grateful for you!

As I sit and reflect on this past year I am overwhelmed. The miracles that God has done at Bochy’s Place are incredible! It has been a rollercoaster of a year. Back in July, after 2 years of preparation and fundraising, facing disappointment when our first plan for a home fell through, searching high and low for the future Bochy's Place, we were able to acquire the most perfect property to start renovating for the future residents of Bochy’s Place. By October, despite supply and material shortages, we were finished with phase 1 of the renovation in just six weeks. The renovation being completed so quickly was truly a miracle in itself. I like to call that our Sun Stand Still moment. Soon after this, we were able to start accepting new residents for the first time since 2019! Currently, all of the residents are thriving and it is truly the highlight of my life to be able to serve them and be a part of their healing journey.

We are able to offer each resident therapy with our full-time trauma specialized therapist, provide life skills and program-specific classes, and so much more. Unfortunately, due to a lack of funding, we were unable to continue accepting new residents for a few months.

We have had 26 applications within the past six months and we have not been able to accept them simply because we can not financially support their needs for quality therapy, housing expenses, medical and dental fees, and all other costs that come along with accepting a new resident. This is simply heartbreaking & not acceptable to me. This is what keeps me & my team fighting day in and day out.

While our current residents are doing so amazing, we would love nothing more than to be able to provide a Christ-centered, nurturing, family environment to so many more survivors of sex trafficking.

We are looking to expand Bochy’s Place this year and make beds available for 12 residents by the end of 2022. With this expansion we will also be able to increase our capacity to offer this healing for 24 residents by the end of 2023. Our goal is to create a community of healing, education, equipping, restoration and new living skills on our five acre lot.

We can only do that with YOUR support! We believe, with your help, we will raise $2 million dollars by the end of 2022 to continue to expand Bochy’s Place!

We pray that you consider partnering with us to make an impact on the future residents of Bochy’s Place!

Because you choose to support Bochy’s Place, survivors of sex trafficking have a safe Christ-centered, nurturing, family environment to heal in. We are truly grateful to have you as a part of our mission! We can not thank you enough for your partnership. Every dollar, every prayer, and every volunteer hour makes an enormous impact!

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